Pt 420/Ps 68 God Shall Arise and by His Might

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1God shall arise and by His might
Put all His enemies to flight
With shame and consternation.
His haters, haughty though they be,
Shall at His august presence flee
In utter desolation;
For when Jehovah shall appear,
He shall consume, afar and near,
All those that evil cherish.
As smoke before his dreadful ire,
As wax is molten by the fire,
So shall the wicked perish.
2But let the righteous, blessed of yore,
Joy in their god as ne'er before,
Faith's victory achieving.
Their joy shall then unbounded be
Who see God's face eternally,
Their heart's desire receiving.
Exalt, exalt the Name of God;
Sing ye His royal fame abroad
With fervent exultation;
Cast up a highway smooth and wide
That through the desert He may ride,
Jehovah, our salvation.
3Sing praise, thou chosen Israel,
Who with the folds of sheep dost dwell;
Thou art God's joy and treasure.
Like doves on golden feathered wing,
In holy beauty thou shalt bring
Thy praise to God with pleasure.
Jehovah scattered kings and foes,
Redeeming thee from grievous woes;
Praise is thy holy duty.
For God did choose a mount so fair
That Bashan's height cannot compare
With Zion's fame and beauty.
4The Lord is great, His might untold,
His chariots thousand thousand fold,
His armies ne'er confounded.
Among them God with joy displays
The glory that in Moses' days
Mount Sinai surrounded.
When Thou, O Lord, in glory bright,
Ascendedst in the heavenly height
Our captive bonds to sever,
Rich gifts from those who did rebel
Thou didst receive, that men might dwell
With Thee, O Lord, forever.
5Let God be praised with reverence deep;
He daily comes our lives to steep
In bounties freely given.
God cares for us, our God is He;
Who would not fear His majesty
In earth as well as heaven?
Our God upholds us in the strife;
To us He grants eternal life,
And saves from desolation.
He hears the needy when they cry,
He saves their souls when death draws nigh,
This God is our salvation.
6Ye kings and kingdoms of the earth,
Extol Jehovah's matchless worth
With psalms of adoration.
Praise Him whose glory rides on high,
Whose thunders roll through clouded sky
With mighty intonation.
Ascribe ye strength to God alone,
Whose worth in Israel is known,
For whom the heavens tremble.
O Lord, our strength, to Thee we bow,
For great and terrible art Thou
Out of Thy holy temple.