Pt 419/Ps 65 Forth from Thy courts, Thy sacred dwelling

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Pt 419/Ps 65 Forth from Thy courts, Thy sacred dwelling




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naar Psalm 65
H.G. Nägeli (1773 - 1836)
Pt 419/Ps 65 Forth from Thy courts, Thy sacred dwelling
Pt 419/Ps 65 Forth from Thy courts, Thy sacred dwelling

1Forth from Thy courts, Thy sacred dwelling,
In jubilant accord,
We hear sweet strains of praises swelling,
O Israel's mighty Lord!
To God, who hears our imploration,
We come to pay our vow,
Soon men from every tribe and nation
Before our God shall bow.

2A mighty stream of foul transgression
Prevails from day to day;
But Thou, O God, in great compassion,
Wilt purge my guilt away.
Blest is the man whom Thou hast chosen,
And bringest nigh to Thee,
That in Thy courts, in Thee reposing,
His dwelling place may be.

3There, in Thy holy habitation,
Thou wilt Thy saints provide
With every blessing of salvation,
Till all are satisfied.
By awful deeds, so just and mighty,
God saves us from our foe;
To all who walk with Him uprightly
He will salvation show.

4From stores on high Thy streams flow over
The hard and arid land;
The fields are sown with corn and clover,
Provided by Thy hand;
The furrows, softened by Thy showers,
Are blest with springing grain.
How great, O God, Thy love and power
Throughout Thy vast domain!

5The year is crowned, O Fount of blessing,
With gifts to cheer the land;
Thy goodness fills the earth, expressing
The wonders of Thy hand.
The hills rejoice; the pastures, teeming
With flocks that skip and spring,
The golden grain, in valleys gleaming
All sing to God the King.